Friday, September 14, 2007

Crunch Time

Midnight tonight, the UAW's contract with the big three runs out, and negotiations have yet to produce a new agreement. Ford and Chrysler have extended the contract indefinitely, but GM, the biggest dunce of them all, may be in danger of inciting a strike.

Union officials said they were told to expect a telephone call from Detroit about 10 p.m. EDT telling them whether they should strike or stay on the job.

The UAW chose GM as its lead company and possible strike target Thursday. Typically, the union negotiates a contract with the lead company and then presses the other two Detroit automakers to accept the same terms. Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC have extended their contracts indefinitely, although talks are continuing and either side could break off the contract extension with three days' notice.

The UAW could strike GM after the midnight deadline, or the two sides could continue negotiating and workers would be covered by the terms of the old contract. Jim Graham, the president of UAW Local 1112 in Lordstown, Ohio, said his local union was awaiting word from the union and was ready to strike at midnight Friday.

"We are already set. Everything's in motion," Graham said.

Now, a short strike might not be too damaging, and may have the effect of lowering GM's stock of their shitty truck series. But it's important the UAW doesn't blink; a bad deal could set the stage for years of bad deals to come, for them and the rest of labor.

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